On the relevance of the national question in an imperialist country
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- 28-12-2023 23:11:20
Illustrasjon av Christian Lue fra Unsplash
Bourgeois nationalism stands in stark contradiction to the international solidarity and unity of struggle of the working class, especially in imperialist countries. But the communists would make a grave mistake if we for that reason scoff at the popular national sentiments of the people and the progressive national cultural heritage, even in an imperialist country like ours.
Crypto-currencies are compelled to find credibility, literally speaking, in the "old" currencies. While tapping on the door to the future, they are also tapping vast amounts of electric energy.
Crypto-currencies, with bitcoin as the most renowned one, are in many ways beguiling. They can help us avoid that every transaction we make gets monitored and logged by the authorities. We can borrow from anyone. Banks, interest rates and fees could become a thing of the past. The people could, so to speak, become masters of their own means of exchange.
Sadly, this beautiful story is too good to be true.
Greeting Speech to Adam Egede-Nissen's 70th birthday. Printed in Friheten 21 June 1948.
Adam Egede-Nissen (1868-1953)Which worker, male or female in Norway, in Scandinavia, yes, even beyond its borders, does not know Comrade Egede-Nissen. For certain, in the Soviet Union his name is beloved, admired and honoured. Was it not Comrade Egede-Nissen who was among the first ones during the first fiery months after the October Revolution to come to our Soviet republic to greet the young Soviet republic and to shake hands with Lenin and Stalin.
The situation was then very serious. The Soviet republic was threatened by the German offensive and the interventionist armies from 14 capitalist states.
The people have spoken up against the establishment. 52 percent of the Britons want to get out of the European Union under the slogan 'Take Control'.
Scaremongering failed to convince a majority of UK citizens to remain in the EU. The outcome of the referendum has infuriated finance capital and its politicians. Mainstream media channels and European newspapers have been floded with sorrow declarations and disaster alerts.
The ruling class is trying to blame immigrant workers and refugees for the ongoing disintegration of social security and workers rights, claiming that social welfare will be "unsustainable".
With the inauguration of Sylvi Listhaug (Progress Party) [1] as immigration minister the most reactionary forces now have a mouthpiece who underpins racial and cultural prejudices with an impact that the untalented fascist and racist organizations could only dream of. Migrant workers and refugees are blamed for almost everything.
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